Descriptor 6.1
Analyse the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers to plan personal professional development goals, support colleagues to identify and achieve personal development goals and pre-service teachers to improve classroom practice.
Name of Evidence: Erin Chats
Type of Evidence: Notes from meeting
Context: Remote area of Arnhem Land, NT. Students are Aboriginal. All the students are EAL/D, with Yolngu Matha being the most widely spoken language.
How this sample shows I have met the Standard Descriptor and put it into practice: I have, on many occasions, worked closely with graduate teachers for whom I was listed as Mentor. In 2024, I was recommended to Ramingining School as a Mentor for their graduate teacher. This has included scheduled fortnightly chats that have addressed any struggles with behaviour and classroom management, EAL/D programming, scaffolding and cultural understanding.
How has this sample impacted on student learning? Students have received a more cohesive lesson due to quality planning.
Descriptor 6.2
Plan for professional learning by accessing and critiquing relevant research, engage in high quality targeted opportunities to improve practice and offer quality placements for pre-service teachers where applicable.
Name of Evidence: School review planning session
Type of Evidence: photo of meeting
Context: Remote area of Arnhem Land, NT. Students are Aboriginal. All the students are EAL/D, with Yolngu Matha being the most widely spoken language.
How this sample shows I have met the Standard Descriptor and put it into practice: I assisted the leadership team with the development of whole school approaches to literacy, Numeracy and Attendance Data collection. We also created a school wide behaviour management plan that aims to create a clear and consistent approach to classroom management of behaviours and streamline the process for obtaining assistance or elevating the problem when required. These processes were put in place after the 2023 School Review provided a 4-year plan for school improvement strategies.
How has this sample impacted on student learning? Students are given high quality teaching due to the implementation of improvements across the board and a clear standard set out for teachers.
Descriptor 6.3
Initiate and engage in professional discussions with colleagues in a range of forums to evaluate practice directed at improving professional knowledge and practice, and the educational outcomes of students.
Name of Evidence: Differentiation Meeting
Type of Evidence: Meeting plan (notes)
Context: Remote area of Arnhem Land, NT. Students are Aboriginal. All the students are EAL/D, with Yolngu Matha being the most widely spoken language.
How this sample shows I have met the Standard Descriptor and put it into practice: This meeting was planned to address differentiation. It was to give teachers a clear guide on how to address their teaching practices. These notes were the points for discussion. The teachers were then to use these headings to evaluate heir own practices with a colleague, for the purpose of improving on any short falls. They were then encouraged to take there own notes based on their peer discussions, to follow up on later.
How has this sample impacted on student learning? Students respond well to differentiation practices, as they are catered for individually. This allows students to focus, retain knowledge etc.
Descriptor 6.4
Engage with colleagues to evaluate the effectiveness of teacher professional learning activities to address student learning needs.
Name of Evidence: Learning Together Session
Type of Evidence: Photo
Context: Remote area of Arnhem Land, NT. Students are Aboriginal. All the students are EAL/D, with Yolngu Matha being the most widely spoken language.
How this sample shows I have met the Standard Descriptor and put it into practice: I have led Secondary and whole school meetings for the purpose of staff development, weekly organisation, and other necessary discussions. At weekly whole staff ‘Learning Togethers’, I have prepared activities for staff to collaborate on, with a focus on ‘teaching and learning’ improvement in an area that has been addressed as a concern by leadership, or at the request of staff. These meetings are scheduled in advance to provide the leading teacher time to prepare the required resources and provide a culturally sensitive learning activity.
How has this sample impacted on student learning? Students are given high quality testing and the data is used to inform the teaching practices.